Will Pain and Suffering Ever End?

This little tract measures only 3″ X 5″ and fits easily in a shirt pocket, purse or envelope. The inside asks the question, “Does God care about the suffering of HIs creation?” The emphatic answer is, “Yes!” Other relevant questions are posed and answered with a scripture text. The back offers a free copy of the booklet, “What Is This World Coming To?”  Ecclesia contact information can be easily added to the back panel, along with a QR code if desired to direct the public to a classes web site.
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Blessings Shall Flow to All

This tract measures only 2 3/4″ X 4 1/4.”  The inside contains a brief scriptural listing of many promises related to the kingdom.  Ecclesia contact information can be added to the back panel, along with a QR code.
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Blessings Shall Flow to All

(Bilingual – English/Spanish)

This tract measures 4 1/4″ X 5 1/2″ and has both English and Spanish scripture texts inside. The Divine Plan (magazine style) is offered in both languages. Ecclesia contact information can be added to the back panel, along with a QR code.
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What on Earth?

This tract measures 3 1/2″ X 8 1/2″. The concept of Armageddon has been misunderstood by many.  The experience with sin and evil has been part of man’s education. We look forward to God’s kingdom on earth, knowing the scriptures clearly teach that the earth abideth forever. This lovely tract offers “God’s Grand Plan of the Ages.” Your ecclesia contact information can be added to the back panel, along with any other information you would like to share.
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God’s Kingdom Is At Hand!

This tract is printed on 7 pt. gloss stock and has a tear-off return post card. When folded it measures         3 3/4″ X 6″ and contains a lovely message about the two salvations as part of God’s plan. It advertises a free copy of “God’s Grand Plan of the Ages.”
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God’s Plan to Bless You and All people

This tract measures 6 1/2″ X 6 1/2″ and can be used as an EDDM mailer (Every Door Direct Mail).  It explains the permission of evil, the resurrection and the ending of the age. It offers a free copy of “God’s Grand Plan of the Ages.”
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A Little Child Shall Lead Them

    (Also available in Spanish)
This tract measures 4 1/4″ X 5 1/2″ and describes the glories of God’s Kingdom, including a brief description of the ransom. It offers a free copy of “How to Study the Bible” booklet.
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Good Tidings of Great Joy

This tract measures 4 1/4″ X 5 1/2″ and shares the message of Jesus’ birth. Peace on earth and good will towards men will be attained in his work  of blessing all the families of the earth. A free copy of “Joy Cometh in the Morning” is offered on the rear panel.
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Exceeding Great and Precious Promises

This tract measures 4 1/4″ X 5 1/2″ and discusses the importance of God’s promises, focusing on the blessings of the Abrahamic Promise. A free copy of “God’s Grand Plan” booklet is offered.
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Weeping May Endure for a Night… But Joy Cometh in the Morning

This tract measures 4 1/4″ X 5 1/2″ and discusses the ending of sin and evil. In the end, mankind will learn that God’s laws are a blessing and the He truly is a god of love. A free copy of “God’s Grand Plan” booklet is offered.
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Obituary Mailer – The Lord Healeth the Broken in heart

This tract measures 4″ X 6 1/4″ and offers a message of comfort to the bereaved. A Comfort booklet is offered free upon request.
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Jesus Christ Returns

This tract measures 4″ X 8 3/4″ and describes events that coincide with the Lord’s return. Parousia is explained to describe his invisible presence already begun.
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